Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The Rise of Christianity

Jesus of Nazareth (ca. 6 B.C. - 30 A.D.)
-preacher and miracle worker
-within Jewish tradition
-"King of the Jews"
-Messiah or Christ

Peter and Paul
-Founders of the church

-leader of a new sect in Judaism
-came to call themselves "Christians"
-baptism and ritual meal

Paul of Tarsus

-Roman citizen

-Christianity intended for the whole world

-missionary journeys; conversions and founding of churches

Reaction in the Roman world:

Roman government was tolerant of many religions.

-Appeal of Christianity:

--comforting afterlife; belief in God above all other gods; forgiveness

--first converts poor and oppressed; then all classes of society

-Negative reaction:

--aggressive, subversive cult which would not sacrifice to the Emperor.

Roman paganism

-polytheistic; very traditional

-connected to politics

-public: doing the right rituals at the right time.

-saw Christians as stupid, dangerous and unpatriotic

-major problems in the Empire as a whole also turned people against Christians

-Persecutions of Christians especially strong 249-313 A.D.

--Great Persecution (303-313 A.D.), begun under the Emperor Diocletian.

Empire was divided in half for administrative reasons

-An augustus and a caesar ruled in each half: the Tetrarchy (4 Men).

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