Tuesday, October 31, 2006

The Carolingian Empire and Beyond

Carolingians were Franks
-Most successful ruler was Charles the Great: Charlemagne
(r. 768-814)
--wars of conquest
--Carolingian Renaissance

Great Invasions of the 9th and 10th Centuries

Muslim incursions from the Middle East and North Africa

-plundered coastal cities of the Mediterranean

-Conquered islands; took slaves

-looted the church of St. Peter in Rome in 846 A.D.

Magyars from the Asiatic steppes

-Invaded German and Italian territories from

late 800s to 955 A.D.

-plundered towns and monasteries

-defeated at Battle of Lechfeld in 955 A.D. by Otto I of Germany

-converted to Christianity

-settled Hungary

Vikings from Scandinavia

-Northmen, had a home economy based on agriculture and cattle, but land was scarce

-raiding expeditions in search of land

-warrior culture with goals of : land, wealth and fame

-most fearsome warriors in Europe


-plundered churches and monasteries

-finally settle down: Rolf marries Gisela, converts to Christianity and receives lordship over the area of Normandy

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