Friday, September 22, 2006
Hellenistic World
Allexander's empire breaks apart
Egypt: Ptolemy I, founds Ptolomaic Dynasty
-powerful female rulers too
Allexander's empire breaks apart
Egypt: Ptolemy I, founds Ptolomaic Dynasty
-powerful female rulers too
Babylon (Turkey to Afghanistan): Seleucus founds Seleucid Dynasty
-Revolt of the Maccabees
Macedon and Greece: under Antigonus Gonatas, founds Antigonid Dynasty
Greek outlook
-urban centers
-Flourishing of art, literature, philosophy
Philosophy turned inward; not in the service of the state or the gods
-Antisthenes (ca. 445-360 BC)
--rejection of desires
-Diogenes (ca. 412-324)
-Epicurus of Samos (ca. 341-271 BC)
--choose pleasure rationally
--no fear
-Zeno of Cition (ca. 335-263)
--control of passions