Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Ancient Greece
Dark Age of Greek history, ca. 1100-750 B.C.
Homer, poet
-epics written between 750-700 B.C.
-The Iliad and The Odyssey
-The Iliad: Legendary Trojan War
--gods and heroes
--Hector and Andromache
Hesiod, poet and farmer
-wrote The Theogony, ca. 700 B.C.
-evolution of the world of the Greek gods and goddesses
-Gaia (earth goddess) replaced by patriarchal order of Zeus
Dark Age of Greek history, ca. 1100-750 B.C.
Homer, poet
-epics written between 750-700 B.C.
-The Iliad and The Odyssey
-The Iliad: Legendary Trojan War
--gods and heroes
--Hector and Andromache
Hesiod, poet and farmer
-wrote The Theogony, ca. 700 B.C.
-evolution of the world of the Greek gods and goddesses
-Gaia (earth goddess) replaced by patriarchal order of Zeus
Ethnos, Polis and Oikos
Ethnos = territorial unit
-led by oligarchy of leading men
Polis = city-state (pl. poleis)
-self-governing; all male citizens participate in public decision-making
-fortified hilltop, or acropolis
-marketplace, or agora
Oikos = household
-A man was always the head of the household
-Women were always under the legal control of men
-Women's work was private; men's was public
-gender roles rigid; bisexuality very common, especially among upper classes
-for males, homosexuality was about domination and mentoring
-prostitutes (pornai) and courtesans (hetairai)
Zeus and Ganymede