Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Ancient Greece and the Rise of Macedon
End of Peloponnesian War
-source: Thucydides
-30 Tyrants in Athens
Three Philosophers
-Socrates (ca. 470-399 BC),
Plato (ca. 428-347 BC),
Aristotle (ca. 384-322 BC)
-"Know Thyself"
-Socratic method: questions and answers
-Put on trial and sentenced to death
-Student of Socrates
-Platonic Forms
-Analogy of the cave
End of Peloponnesian War
-source: Thucydides
-30 Tyrants in Athens
Three Philosophers
-Socrates (ca. 470-399 BC),
Plato (ca. 428-347 BC),
Aristotle (ca. 384-322 BC)
-"Know Thyself"
-Socratic method: questions and answers
-Put on trial and sentenced to death
-Student of Socrates
-Platonic Forms
-Analogy of the cave
-student of Plato
-empiricism and observation
Rise of Macedon
-Philip II, king of Macedon (359-336 BC)
-Conquers Greek city-states; creates League of Corinth
-Alexander the Great becomes king
-imitates Achilles
-invades Persia and conquers empire by 331 BC
-incredible conquests stretching all the way to India
-dies in 323 BC