Tuesday, November 07, 2006

The Crusades

Seven major Crusades between 1095 and 1270

Pope Urban II issues first call to Crusade in 1095

Crusade: armed pilgrimage to free the Holy Land from the Muslims

Thousands of people joined up

-Shows power of papacy
-New Vitality of the kingdoms of Europe
-Affirmation of the values of the knightly class: just war

First Crusade (1095-1099)
-Seljuk Turks
-Byzantium calls for help from the West
-incentive of penance
-Peter the Hermit
-large body of knights
-Captured Jerusalem in 1099
-Set up Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem

Second Crusade (1146-1148)

-Preached by Bernard of Clairvaux

-Disaster: why was God displeased?

1187 Jerusalem recaptured by Turks led by Saladin

Third Crusade (1189-1192)

-led by: Richard the Lion-Hearted (England), Philip Augustus (France), Frederick Barbarossa (Germany)

-Many problems; a few successes

-Richard negotiates a truce with Saladin

Fourth Crusade (1202-1204)

-Called by Innocent III

- entanglements with the Venetian state

- Crusaders sack the Christian city of Constantinople

Fifth Crusade (1217-1221)

-Directed at Egypt, the seat of Muslim power in the Middle East

-Also ends in disaster

Sixth and Seventh Crusades

-Both Led by Louis IX of France

-Sixth (1248) to Egypt

-Seventh (1270) to Tunisia

-Louis IX (St. Louis) died in Tunisia from plague

1291 Acre, final Christian city in Middle East, falls to Muslim forces

-End of Crusader states in the Holy Land

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